Too cute! I don't know if I've told you lot, but I'm going to be an Auntie in April! That little girl is gonna be spoiled rotten! Can't wait to make her a dress from this pattern....and of course a matching dress for her doll! Fun!!!
I LOVE this coat pattern!
The set on the far left reminds me of the one Sharon Tate wears in Valley of the Dolls when she goes to visit Neely and cools her toes in the pool! Love it!
Click to enlarge the pattern on the right and check out Paris Hilton in the back!
I don't know who this Kathy Gray person is/was, but she sure must have been a stylish little chicken!!
Since I've been back, I've not had time to do much thrifting, but I did find a lovely little early '60s flutter hat for $2.50 and the best vintage pattern making book EVER from 1954, for $4! Not a bad little haul!
Stay tuned for some totally terrific vintage book posts in the next few days!
Toodle pip!!