19 January:
93 Feet East
150 Brick Lane
London E1C 6QL
Expect the finest Reggae tunes from the 60s to the present day with the best Djs in East London, tip-top rhythms, rewinds and versions galore. The crew are guarenteed to get the party swinging for your dancing feet.
****Dolly Says: "Never been to this particular night, but 93 Feet East is a great venue. It's right in the middle of Brick Lane, so if it sucks there are loads of alternate pubs and clubs to pile into and stumble out of!"
20 January:
Roll and Tumble R&B Club
The Blues Kitchen
Camden Town
London, United Kingdom
London's new weekly home of hot vintage R&B sounds takes launch...
DJ's confirmed for 20th January
Ben Olins (Fabulous Cellar, Stag-O-Lee)
French Fred (Reggae Shack, Boom Shacka Lacka)
Alice Fowkes (All sorts!)
Scott Charles (Lucky 7)
Snakester (Hidden Charms, Naked Fez)
Michael Jemmeson (Jukebox Jam)
Jamie Parr (Pork and Beans)
Liam Large (Jukebox Jam)
Entry: 3
****Dolly Says: "Firstly, The Blues Kitchen is a great venue...WAAAYYY better than that horrid 'Oh Bar' that was there before! I've been to some 'soul' and 'mod' and '60s' nights there before and they can be a bit hit or miss. However, several of the DJs for the night, mainly Jamie and Liam, lead me to believe this has to be a winner! Good luck to them...and hope this night lasts until I'm back in the Smoke."
As per usual, my lovelies, I'll add as I'm told!
Oh, and just to let everyone know, it's time to begin preparations for Le Bespoke 7!! Easter Bank Holiday Weekend 22-25 April! http://www.newuntouchables.com/
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