Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pet Milk Magazine, 1964

Hi Hi, poppits! If you're anything like me, you love '50s and '60s advertising. When I'm reading modern magazines, I just skip over all of the annoying adverts....but give me a vintage mag and I spend just as much time staring at the ads as I do the articles! Anyhoo....

For your enjoyment, here's a little gem I found from 1964. It's a Pet Milk Company magazine and it's all kinds of fun...and it held a special surprise for me, which I can't wait to show you!....

Click and enlarge to read the articles!

This reminds me of those 'how it's made' segments on Mr. Rogers!!

This is a great article about Billy Jeff Burns, who was the Pet Milk man in my hometown in the '60s! Uber cool!!

Even more uber cool is the fact that the store seen here:

....is my grandparent's store! How nifty to find that!!!

Next up, an article on Big Shot aerosol chocolate syrup...

Holy cow, I want me some of that!!!!

Then there were a couple of tech-ish articles, that frankly were just boresville....but the pics were smash smash!!

Here's the 'high tech' Pet computer....

And some great photos of some Pet stockholder meetings. Why don't men still dress this snappy?????...or smoke pipes???

More products with lovery '60s packaging...


Little late for Valentines Day, but here's your Whitman's chocolate fix anyway!...

The mandatory product placement recipes....

And the back cover....

1 comment:

  1. Love the hair-do on the grocery shopping Mom! Her outfit is pretty cute too. Great blog! :)
